אוקטובר 14, 2017
Israel Insurance
אוקטובר 18, 2017
Israel Insurance
אוקטובר 18, 2017
אוקטובר 14, 2017

The Official Website and  eStore Of Kedem Seeds.


"Kedem Seeds" is a social enterprise whose goal is to provide solutions and a wide variety of vegetable, grain and vegetable seeds to private, community and municipal towers, schools, kindergartens and organic farmers.

Our work 

Kedem Seeds is a very successful eStore. We designed and built a clean, easy to navigate, and informative website. Due to the extensive traffic in the website we created an easy to use interface that'll help the users find the information/products they need quickly.

The website is fully responsive (web pages render well on a variety of devices and screen sizes). We also added a convenient payment system – which raised the company revenue by more than 30%.

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